What is a Lutheran?

A Lutheran is…

… a Christian who believes in the Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier.)

… a Christian who believes in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and that His death and resurrection provides full and free forgiveness of sin.

… a Christian who believes that a person is saved only by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, not by “good works.”

… a Christian who believes that the Holy Bible is the true and unchanging Word of God and as such is the only source of Christian teaching and the standard for Christian life.

… a Christian who believes that the Gospel of Jesus Christ liberates believers from the fear of eternal death and that His Holy Spirit enables us to live in faith, joy, hope, and love.

… a person who believes that all Christians, regardless of denomination, are members of “the Church” - God’s family of forgiven, redeemed people.

… a member of the largest Protestant denomination in the world, with approximately 75 million members worldwide.

… a Christian deeply committed to sharing the saving and freeing Gospel all over the world, supporting numerous national and international mission programs.  The Lutheran Hour is the oldest continuously broadcast religious radio program in America.

… a Christian deeply committed to Christian education.  Lutherans operate more Christian day schools than any other Protestant denomination. 

… a Christian deeply involved in helping others.  Lutheran Services in America is the #1 non-profit helping agency in America.  See www.lutheranservices.com





Our mission

To equip and excite all members in ministry opportunities for sharing the Gospel of Christ with all people.


Our vision

Trinity Lutheran Church has a vision of being a loving, caring, Christ-centered body of believers united in friendship. We want to be spiritually based in the Word through study and prayer, speaking the truth in love. We see ourselves as being active in the whole community in Christian teaching and service.




Frequently Asked Questions About Lutherans

Why the name Lutheran?

The Reformation of the 16th century, led by Martin Luther, was not intended to create a new church body. Rather, it was an attempt to correct the false teachings that had crept into the church of that time.

Luther was motivated by a sincere belief in the saving power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He insisted, and rightly so, that salvation is only by God's grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, not by human works, rites, or traditions. Such conviction soon found him at odds with church authorities, some of whom felt his beliefs threatened the status quo. Eventually, he was excommunicated (kicked out) for his beliefs.

Originally, adherents to Luther's theology were called "Evangelical," which implied their emphasis on the oneness of all Christians and the primary function of the church as a whole - sharing the freeing Gospel with the world. Over time, however, these supporters of Luther's theology became known by their detractors as "Lutherans," a name that Luther personally disliked. Actually, in a very real sense, the name Lutheran is not so much a tribute to the reformer as it is a doctrinal statement. In other words, "Lutheran" identifies our beliefs and practices.

What does Missouri Synod mean?

The word synod means, "walking together." Although all of our 6,000 congregations in the United States believe and teach the same Biblical truths, each is unique and autonomous, reflecting the great diversity of the 2.6 million people we serve.

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is also identified by its great emphasis on Christian education. We administer the largest Protestant school system in the United States, operating 2,000 preschools, elementary schools, and high schools. We also operate 10 colleges and universities, and two seminaries.

Across the nation and extending around the world, services can be found in any number of languages and in many different worship styles, all united in our belief in Jesus Christ - the one and only Light of the world. The Missouri part of the name comes from the fact that the founders of our synod came from Missouri. The name Missouri Synod has stuck ever since.

What are the Lutheran Confessions?

Written at the time of the Reformation, they are Biblically based documents that explain and defend Christian faith and life against the theological errors and church abuses that led Luther to dissent. They were designed to be a thorough, systematic defense against various theological errors, some of which are still prevalent today. While not all Lutherans are of one mind insofar as the meaning and relevance of the Confessions in today's culture, we in the Missouri Synod believe they are timeless and faithful expressions of Biblical truth and are as relevant and meaningful today as they ever were.

Perhaps the best known and widely used of the Lutheran Confessions is Luther's Small Catechism, written in 1529. It is a collection of Scripture references and includes questions and answers on six Bible topics: the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Confession, Holy Baptism, and Holy Communion. Originally designed to teach the basics of the Christian faith to the young, it is still regarded as the primary textbook of the Lutheran faith for all ages.

Why are Lutherans "Sacramental" and what does this mean?

One thing that distinguishes Lutherans from some other denominations is our understanding of and emphasis on the two Sacraments - Holy Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

Scripture teaches that all people are born sinful and in need of God's grace. Baptism is one of the ways in which our loving God extends His grace to us.

The Word of God gives baptism its power. Without His Word, it is just plain water. In this Sacrament, He claims us as His own and gives us an irrevocable promise of salvation. This holy promise is intended for all people, including infants.

No matter what age the recipient might be, and regardless of the way in which baptism is administered (immersion, pouring, sprinkling, etc.), the promise given by God through baptism is reliable and trustworthy for the entire life of the individual. That is because baptism is GOD's action, not our own.

The Lord's Supper contains the same promise of God. Although it is impossible to explain or understand the great Divine mystery taking place in this Sacrament, we know by Jesus' own words that there is much more to it than our simply remembering His sacrifice on the cross. Lutherans believe that in Communion we receive not just bread and wine but our Lord Himself, thus we receive His forgiveness and the strengthening of our faith.

If you have other questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact the pastor.



Worship At Trinity

Worship Service is at 11:00 a.m. Members and visitors are invited to stay after the service for the Fellowship Hour. Nursery service is available. Sunday School and Adult Bible Study are held at 9:30 a.m.

During Advent and Lent, evening worship services are held on Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

What to expect? 

Worship services at Trinity follow the historic pattern of worship that has served the Christian Church throughout the ages. Thus, we join with the People of God in the past, in the present age, and in the future, united around a common approach to worship.

The key elements of worship found in the Historic Liturgy that you will experience at Trinity include:

  • Confession and Absolution
  • Singing of Hymns
  • Reading of God's Word
  • Proclamation of God's Word (Law and Gospel)
  • A Confession of Faith (Apostles and Nicene Creeds)
  • Celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion (sometimes called the Lord's Supper or the Eucharist) every Sunday.

Yet, we at Trinity understand the dynamic nature of Christian Worship across time and celebrate the diverse gifts of music and language. We Lutheran Christians have long acknowledged the diversity of worship practices in the Christian Church. The Liturgy affirms this diversity of worship throughout the centuries that is both cross cultural and enduring.

The Augsburg Confession (Lutheran Confessional Document on Doctrine) teaches the necessity of orderly and appropriate worship that is without frivolity or offense which is useful, beneficial and best for good order, Christian discipline and the building up of the church. (Formula of Concord, Article X, 9).

Thus, at Trinity, we worship using a variety of worship styles and liturgies from the Lutheran Service Book. These include:

  • Divine Service of Word and Sacrament
  • Evening Prayer (a service similar to Vespers)

What about Children in worship? 

  • Although we provide a nursery for the very youngest children, we encourage parents to keep children of all ages in the worship service. Where better to learn about God and worship Him than in the Sanctuary with the entire family! The liturgy fosters participation by all ages in worship from 2 to 102.



Last updated 10 Jan 2021
